Kevin Scrimgeour

December 28, 2018

Top 7 Digital Advertising Trends

A quick visit to any webpage on the internet right now will have you faced with a barrage of adverts ranging from clothing and electronics to fishing and hunting gear. These ads are all over the internet that these days, the majority of consumers have found ways to tune them out. Therefore, as a business owner, it is important to follow current digital advertising trends, in order to grab the attention of prospect and get more customers to your business. Outlined below are some of the top digital advertising trends used by successful businesses you should be using today.
December 28, 2018

The TOP Challenages Hotels are Facing in 2019.

Three years after they started changing the face of the hospitality industry, Airbnb is still causing massive disruption in the hotel space. The company changed the perspective of travelers. No traveler in 2019 would want a simple, standard hotel room.
December 28, 2018

Top Six Management Issues in the Hospitality Industry.

Most times, hotel managers must have to handle a variety of tasks which may include marketing the business and encouraging bookings in other to balance revenue and expenses. This is quite a task and not easy at all. Changing times have also brought with it changing demands and the challenges have by far grown from what have been in previous times especially with the herald of technological developments and ever spontaneous customer behavior. A lot of management issues have arisen from these and a few have been discussed below to enable us have further grasp of what they are.
December 28, 2018

Challenges Faced By Funeral Services Industry

Funeral services are without doubt an indispensable service. Death is an unavoidable end to life for all living beings. As human; we are far more emotionally developed than the other animals that we share this planet with. We create lifelong bonds with parents, siblings, children and even friends and relatives; bonds that physically come apart in the event of a death. Yet death does not negate the emotional attachment we share with those in our inner circle and a funeral is in actuality; a rite of farewell and even homage.